About mosparo Archives - mosparo https://mosparo.io/category/about-mosparo/ The modern spam protection Wed, 19 Feb 2025 08:00:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://mosparo.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-sig_transparency-1-32x32.png About mosparo Archives - mosparo https://mosparo.io/category/about-mosparo/ 32 32 mosparo: Accessible spam protection that sets new standards https://mosparo.io/2025/02/19/mosparo-accessible-spam-protection-that-sets-new-standards/ https://mosparo.io/2025/02/19/mosparo-accessible-spam-protection-that-sets-new-standards/#respond Wed, 19 Feb 2025 07:34:36 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=773 In today’s digital world, accessibility is not just a buzzword but a necessity. Websites and applications must be accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. One often overlooked aspect of this is spam protection.

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How mosparo sets the standard for barrier-free spam protection

In today’s digital world, accessibility is not just a buzzword but a necessity. Websites and applications must be accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. One often overlooked aspect of this is spam protection. Many traditional methods make it difficult for people with disabilities to access content. This is where mosparo comes in – a tool that combines accessibility with effective spam protection.

What makes mosparo special?

mosparo was developed with the goal of providing a user-friendly and accessible solution for spam protection. It has been certified by Access for All with the AA certificate (PDF, 183 KB), confirming its compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This certification ensures that mosparo is accessible to a wide user base.

mosparo adds an additional form field to the form. This normal form field is invisible but correctly responds to screen readers and keyboard navigation. To ensure seamless integration into a website, the display of the mosparo box can be customized according to individual needs.

mosparo detects spam solely based on the data entered by the user in the form. Therefore, it does not differentiate between humans and robots but rather between desired and undesired content.

Why is mosparo better than other spam protection methods?

Traditional spam protection methods, such as CAPTCHAs, often pose significant barriers for people with disabilities. According to WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind), many CAPTCHAs have severe accessibility issues that make them difficult for users with visual impairments or motor disabilities to solve. In contrast, mosparo relies on form data validation that does not disrupt the user flow while still providing robust protection.

Another advantage of mosparo is its adaptability. It integrates seamlessly into various platforms and offers website owners the flexibility to customize it to the specific needs of their websites or applications. This ensures that spam protection does not come at the expense of user experience.

What is better in other spam protection methods compared to mosparo?

To be as effective as possible, website owners must create their own rules in mosparo. This requires continuous analysis of received spam and regular updates to the rules. Other methods come without any work after the implementation in a form and are therefore better than mosparo regarding the work a website owner must invest.

European Accessibility Act (EAA) and inclusive spam protection

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) requires companies across the European Union to make digital products and services accessible, including spam protection. While traditional solutions like CAPTCHAs are difficult for many people to access, mosparo offers a user-friendly alternative. Thanks to its invisible mechanisms, mosparo ensures effective protection without creating barriers for people with disabilities. This helps businesses comply with the EAA requirements without compromising user-friendliness.

Background of the Law

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) was enacted by the EU to improve the accessibility of products and services across Europe. Each EU member state must implement these requirements into national law. These new laws will come into effect at the end of June 2025. In Germany, the law is known as the «Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetzt (BFSG)».

Companies across the EU should start addressing the new accessibility requirements early to implement compliant and user-friendly solutions in time.


At a time when accessibility and user-friendliness are paramount, mosparo offers an innovative solution for spam protection. It combines spam rules and effective security measures with a strong focus on accessibility, setting new standards. If you are looking for a spam protection solution that is effective, privacy-friendly, customizable, and accessible, mosparo is the ideal choice.

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New Features & Changes in Version 1.3 https://mosparo.io/2024/12/05/new-features-changes-in-version-1-3/ https://mosparo.io/2024/12/05/new-features-changes-in-version-1-3/#respond Thu, 05 Dec 2024 05:50:12 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=730 In the past months, we’ve developed the new minor version, v1.3, which is now ready for testing. Learn more about the new features and changes in this post.

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In the newly released version 1.3 of mosparo, we’ve added some new features and changes. With this post, we want to describe the new features and changes.

New features

Project groups

mosparo is project-based. A project contains all settings that relate  to one website. mosparo can handle an unlimited number of projects in one mosparo installation. The idea behind this is that if you have more than one website, you need only one mosparo installation.

But if you have many websites, you need many projects. These projects are on one simple list, which can get messy.

Some time ago, we received a suggestion from a user to add project groups to allow better organization of the projects within one mosparo installation.

So, with the new version, v1.3, we’ve added project groups. It’s now possible to add an unlimited number of project groups. The project groups can be organized hierarchically (like a tree), and a project can then be assigned to one group.

With this new feature, we had to rework the main project list and the dropdown in the top left corner.

Suggested by SVillette

Proof of work mechanism security feature

In recent years, it has become popular to protect forms with an automatic puzzle for the browser. These proof-of-work-based puzzles require the browser to calculate a lot of stuff, making it too costly for spam bots to submit the form. For humans, proof-of-work-based spam protection methods are not a problem because the user does not have to do anything to solve them.

The mosparo team thinks this spam protection method is unreliable because all it needs to solve such an automatic puzzle is a processor – and every device connected to the internet has such a processor – so every bot and every human can solve it. Since everybody can solve it, it’s only a speed bump and not a protection method.

But since many people like these proof-of-work-based puzzles, we thought it’s a great addition to our security features. With this sixth security feature, protecting forms with a proof-of-work-based mechanism is now possible. In addition to this simple speed bump, you can add rules and use the other security features to catch even more spam than with other proof-of-work-based spam protection.

Choose the language source

mosparo uses your browser’s language to show the correct language in the mosparo frontend box. But sometimes, this looks weird because the browser has a different language than the whole page.

A user suggested that we should use the HTML lang attribute to decide the language for the mosparo box. We thought about that suggestion and added now an option, with which you can select for each project what the source of the language should be.

By default, we still use the browser language for the sentences. If the configured language is not translated, we fall back to English sentences.

With the newly added option, you can choose between “Browser Language> HTML Language > English” or “HTML Language > Browser Language > English”. This means we either use the browser or the HTML lang attribute language to determine the correct language. If that language is not available, we fall back to the other language, and if that’s also not available, we fall back to English.

With this change, the mosparo box can now be displayed in the same language as the rest of the website, making it fit better together.

Suggested by Sapper-Morton

Compatibility with SQLite

We decided to add SQLite as a third database engine in addition to the existing two, MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL.

The good thing about SQLite is that it works with no additional server or software (except the PHP module). In addition, we had the idea to offer a demo installation of mosparo so new users can test mosparo before installing it.

We discussed different solutions, but since a demo can be ‘destroyed’, we have to make sure that we reset it from time to time. The SQLite database engine offered us an alternative to this. When you open the demo, we copy the SQLite database file for your session, so you have your own demo installation and can destroy that one, but all the other users can still use the demo without a problem.

But – of course – you can also install mosparo and use SQLite as the database engine. mosparo has been tested and works well with SQLite. We recommend using a database server (MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL) instead of SQLite for large installations or websites with a lot of traffic.

Docker Health Check

Another new feature in the new version is the added health check route, which is used to check the health of the Docker container. The health route checks the connection to the database. If the connection works correctly, then mosparo should work perfectly. 

The mosparo Docker image uses the health check to check the health of the Docker container by default. However, the health route can also be used without Docker and with custom monitoring tools.

Suggested by Digi92

General verifications in the submission detail view

Some of the security features, such as the check for Equal Submissions, are not visible in the submission detail view. This makes it hard to understand why a submission was accepted, and it’s not clear if the security features worked or didn’t work.

We added the general verifications to the submission detail view with the new version. The result of the Minimum Time, Equal Submissions, and Proof-of-Work mechanism security features are now visible with the needed and measured values.


Updated dependencies

With the new version, we’ve also updated all our frontend and backend dependencies. While these changes should not be notable, one was more important.

We’ve updated our primary framework for the user interface, Tabler, to the latest version. With this update, some technical things changed in the background, but we corrected some things, so the changes should not be visible to the user.

Alternative cache adapters (with beta.2)

We’ve added the functionality to choose the cache adapter. With this, it is possible to use a Memcached or Redis server as a cache backend. The main code cache is still stored in the filesystem cache for maximum performance, but other stuff, like the execution timestamps of the cleanup process, can be stored in other cache backends.

This change is especially helpful in multi-node setups, for example, to share the cache data between the nodes and ensure that only one of the nodes is executing the cleanup process. If all nodes execute the cronjob to clean the database without the shared cache simultaneously, then all nodes will execute that job. With the shared cache, only one of the nodes will lock it and execute the cleanup process.

Suggested by Digi92

Grace period for cleanup functionality (with beta.2)

With the additional cache adapters, we’ve added an environment option to enable a grace period for the cleanup functionality. Normally, the frontend API will execute the cleanup process if necessary. But if you have an installation with a lot of traffic, you do not want to perform it in the frontend API. You can set up a cronjob to clean up the database at specific times to solve this problem. But if you execute the cronjob once a night, the frontend API will still clean the cache because mosparo executes the cleanup logic every 6 hours by default.

If the grace period is activated, the frontend API cleanup function is only executed if the database has not been cleaned up for 24 hours.

Suggested by Digi92

Prepare the CSS files in the shared cache (with beta.2)

With the newly added shared cache adapters, we also added an environment option to store the prepared CSS files in the shared cache instead of the file system. With this change, it’s possible to share the prepared CSS files between all nodes because they are stored in the shared cache, and all nodes can access them.

Otherwise, in a multi-node setup, you have to synchronize the files between all the nodes or use some kind of shared file system.

Inspired by raul810y

Other adjustments

Additionally, we adjusted different parts of the user interface and other small things. For example, the numbers in the filters are displayed as badges. We also adjusted the visibility of the user roles in the project members and users list.

Thank you

Developing such a project requires a lot of energy and time. This version took more time than planned. But thanks to our users, contributors, and testers, we received much support for our work. We thank you for all your feedback, support, ideas, translations, and all the other help!

If you have any suggestions to enhance or optimize mosparo, you can send them to us by creating a post in the Discussions section on GitHub.

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New Features & Changes in Version 1.2 https://mosparo.io/2024/04/25/new-features-changes-in-version-1-2/ https://mosparo.io/2024/04/25/new-features-changes-in-version-1-2/#respond Thu, 25 Apr 2024 04:50:37 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=630 The new minor version, v1.2, is ready for testing. Learn more about the new features, changes, and bug fixes in this post.

The post New Features & Changes in Version 1.2 appeared first on mosparo.

The new version, v1.2, contains several new features, changes, and bug fixes. We want to give you an overview of the most important changes in this version.

Important: A bug fix regarding verifying the origin hosts can break your form. Please verify that you configured your hosts in the project settings correctly and verify the functionality of your form after the upgrade to v1.2. Read more about it in the documentation

New features

Compatibility with PostgreSQL

In January 2024, we received a question from a user if it’s possible to use mosparo with a PostgreSQL database instead of the MySQL database. When we started developing mosparo, we only concentrated on using MySQL because using two database systems would complicate many things (regarding our dependencies on Symfony/Doctrine).

We now took a second look at the options and added a different option to configure the database. With this new approach, our development was almost unchanged, and we were able to add compatibility to PostgreSQL.

With the new version, while installing mosparo, you can decide if you want to use a MySQL or PostgreSQL database.

Suggested by skid9000

Security feature to block repetitive submissions

We received the question of whether blocking repetitive submissions with mosparo is possible. Repetitive submission means that the same form data gets submitted multiple times. Since that was not possible before, we’ve added a fifth security feature to the project security settings, which will block repetitive submissions.

It’s possible to configure the number of submissions and the time frame in which it should be counted. Additionally, it’s possible to configure whether repetitive submissions should be counted based on the IP address or all users.

Suggested by Geremia

Web-based cron jobs

We’ve added the option to enable web-based cron jobs to make it easier to execute the cron jobs. These cron jobs can be enabled in the administration interface and are not enabled by default (for security reasons).

As soon as enabled, you can set up a cron job to request a URL. You can also use an external cron job service to execute the mosparo cron job by defining a cron job with the cron job address.

Inspired by mpaglia0


Upgrade to Symfony 6.4

The framework we use, Symfony, got upgraded to the latest LTS version, 6.4. We’ve also updated all the other dependencies to the latest version.

While this changed many things in the code, it should not impact the user interface or the functionality of mosparo in general.

Negative spam rating for rules

We received the question of whether it’s possible to reverse a rule, for example, if it’s possible to mark submissions from all countries except one as spam. While we considered this question, we detected that it’s impossible to add rules with a positive effect.

As an easy solution, we’ve adjusted the spam rating value fields for the rule items and changed them to allow negative values. With this change, adding rule items with a negative rating value is now possible.

When the form data is validated, the total number of points is calculated to determine whether a submission is spam or not. A rule with a negative value can reduce the number of points, for example, if the submission is from a specified country or IP subnet.

Inspired by cesare190

Compatibility with reverse proxy subpath setup

We’ve added some adjustments to mosparo to allow using mosparo in a subpath setup with a reverse proxy. With these changes, it’s possible to set up mosparo in a subpath like example.com/mosparo/, as long as you configure it with a reverse proxy.

We still recommend using a domain or subdomain to set up mosparo, but there is no reason not to install it in a subpath with a reverse proxy.

Inspired by davd-edia

Accessibility optimizations

While testing compliance with WCAG 2.1, Access for all found multiple things that could be optimized for better usage of assistance tools. We implemented the majority of these recommendations with v1.2.

  • The mosparo box received the `lang` attribute to tell a screen reader which language is visible. If a mosparo box is visible on a page in a different language than the mosparo box, the screen reader reads the text in the wrong language.
  • The mosparo logo was not visible if the high-contrast mode was enabled. With this fix, the logo is also visible in the high-contrast mode (as long as the logo’s visibility is enabled in the design settings).
  • Since the logo is not added as an HTML image, adding an alternative text to describe the image is impossible. We’ve added an additional text for screen readers after the main label to let the user know that the form is protected by mosparo, as long as the logo is enabled in the project design settings.
  • We’ve adjusted the message for screen readers when mosparo validates the form data in the frontend. The message now indicates that the spam protection is validating the data. Before this change, it was unclear what exactly was happening.
  • The alert message for screen readers is now linked with the label element to give the user the required context.

Bug fixes

  • A bug in the request processing did not verify the hosts correctly. Because of this bug, all origins were accepted for the CORS headers, not only those configured in the project settings. With this fix, the origins are verified correctly. This change can lead to broken forms if your project’s hosts are not set correctly. Please test your forms after upgrading to v1.2. Read more about it in the documentation. Reported by zttom
  • Because of a logic bug, it was impossible to edit the login throttling or the access settings when the trust settings were defined in the environment variables. This bug is now fixed.
  • A bug in the export functionality led to an incorrect value in the exported security guideline. With this fix, the value in the security guideline is now correctly exported and imported.

Thank you

We thank all of our contributors and testers for their suggestions and work. We could not do such a project without your support and contributions!

If you have any suggestions to enhance or optimize mosparo, you can send them to us by creating a post in the Discussions section on GitHub.

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Back in time: The start of mosparo https://mosparo.io/2024/04/22/back-in-time-the-start-of-mosparo/ https://mosparo.io/2024/04/22/back-in-time-the-start-of-mosparo/#respond Mon, 22 Apr 2024 05:07:40 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=618 The events of two days in April 2021 started the mosparo project. Read more about the start and the original concept for a project called “NoSpam”, later officially named “mosparo”.

The post Back in time: The start of mosparo appeared first on mosparo.

With this news post, we want to give you insight into the events that happened three years ago and are now known as the start of the mosparo project.

The two days

The first event occurred on the 20th of April, 2021, on a park bench between two villages in Switzerland. It was late afternoon, and the sun was setting in the background. We, Marc and Matthias, discussed different project ideas. One of these ideas was a very rough one for building a new CAPTCHA solution.

One day later, on the 21st of April, 2021, Matthias (zepich) wrote the concept for a project called “NoSpam”. Later that day, we discussed the concept in a phone call. On the same evening, the first domain was bought, and the project started to take shape.

Some more days later, the name “mosparo” was defined and the project was officially started.

The concept

The concept was written on the 21st of April 2021 and did not receive any adjustment since then. After settling on the name, we did not even update the project name in the concept. The concept describes the essential features and how the verification should generally work.

Of course, mosparo received many more features than we had in our minds three years ago. However, comparing the concept with the final software is interesting because we wrote the concept before we started to develop it and described the technical validation and verification process exactly how we developed it and how it’s still in the software today.

You can read the original concept here: Konzept Project NoSpam (PDF, 97 KB)
The concept is only available in German.

The rest is history

A half year after these two days in April 2021, mosparo was installed on the first website on the internet. It’s our test website for catching spam. Another year later, in August 2022, mosparo’s private beta started with more websites. And finally, another half year later, mosparo was officially released as a public beta.

Thank you for using and supporting mosparo!

If you want to help make mosparo better, you can find all information about contributions on our Contribution page. If you find an issue, please report it as an Issue on GitHub. Please let us know in the GitHub discussions if you have any questions or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Compliance with WCAG 2.1 A and AA https://mosparo.io/2024/04/08/compliance-with-wcag-2-1-a-and-aa/ https://mosparo.io/2024/04/08/compliance-with-wcag-2-1-a-and-aa/#respond Mon, 08 Apr 2024 07:42:29 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=608 We’re happy to announce that the mosparo spam protection mechanism is tested for full compliance with WCAG 2.1, conformance levels A and AA.

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We’re happy to announce that the mosparo spam protection mechanism is tested for full compliance with WCAG 2.1, conformance levels A and AA.

In recent weeks, “Access for all”, the Swiss foundation for technology adapted to people with disabilities, has tested the mosparo spam protection mechanism for compliance with WCAG 2.1 by the W3C.

Access for all confirms that mosparo is fully compliant with all success criteria at levels of conformance A and AA. To verify compliance, Access for all tested with different experts and different technologies and devices.

Since mosparo was built with accessibility and data privacy in mind, the mechanism of mosparo in the frontend is straightforward and, therefore, not a problem for assistance tools like screen readers and other accessibility tools.

Technical details

Access for all tested the visible and invisible modes of mosparo with version 1.1. We prepared an installation of mosparo and a demonstration form for Access for all. We’ve added some rules to test the spam and non-spam scenarios.

Some optimizations, which Access for all found while testing the mosparo spam protection, were already added with version v1.1.2, while some additional optimizations will be added with mosparo v1.2.


We’re planning to go a step further and want to verify the compliance with the success criteria at the level of conformance AAA. We will inform you once we have more information about that project.

Accessibility Conformance Declaration

Accessibility conformance declaration WCAG 2.1 A and AA (PDF, 183 KB)

If you want to help make mosparo better, you can find all information about contributions on our Contribution page. If you find an issue, please report it as an Issue on GitHub. Please let us know in the GitHub discussions if you have any questions or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you!

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https://mosparo.io/2024/04/08/compliance-with-wcag-2-1-a-and-aa/feed/ 0
New Features & Changes in version 1.1 https://mosparo.io/2023/12/14/new-features-changes-in-version-1-1/ https://mosparo.io/2023/12/14/new-features-changes-in-version-1-1/#respond Thu, 14 Dec 2023 07:00:00 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=562 In the last weeks, we’ve developed and tested the new version, v1.1. Learn more about the new features and bug fixes in the latest version of mosparo.

The post New Features & Changes in version 1.1 appeared first on mosparo.

In this news post, we want to give you an overview of the new features and changes in version 1.1.

New features

Statistical data without a time limit

mosparo stores the submissions of a project for only 14 days. The chart on a project’s dashboard and the statistical API use these submissions to calculate the statistical data. Because of the automatic cleanup, the statistical information is only available for these 14 days. Additionally, if you have a lot of submissions, the calculation of this statistic takes time.

We’ve introduced a separate storage of the statistical values to solve this issue and offer the option to store the statistical information for a longer period. In there, we store the number of valid and spam submissions for each day.

The project owner can decide how long the statistical data should be stored with an option in the project settings. It is possible to let mosparo delete these data after, for example, 14 days or keep them forever.

The dashboard and the statistical API use these separated statistical data to display and return their data. On the dashboard, an additional dropdown allows you to choose the time range in the dashboard. An additional argument in the API allows you to define from which date the data should be returned specifically.

Suggested by Tobi77

Origin-based security settings

The security settings for a project (Honeypot, Minimum time, Delay, and Lockout) are good to limit the damage a spammer can do with very simple things. But they are the same settings for all users around the world. If you have a website focused on users from Australia, users from Switzerland are not your number one priority.

With the newly added IP-based security settings, you can define that users from Australia have not-so-strict security settings (for example, no minimum time, no delay, and very generous lockout settings), while other users worldwide have very strict settings.

You can define as many guidelines as you want to override the needed settings. You can specify the guidelines on the IP subnet or, if you’ve set up GeoIP2, on the country or AS number.

Limit the access to the backend and the API

To enhance the security of mosparo, we’ve added two additional settings in the Administration area to limit access to the mosparo backend and the API (Verification and Statistic).

Previously, you had to set up this limitation in your webserver configuration, which was hard to do since mosparo’s frontend API must be accessible by all users.

With this change, you can manage the limitations of your mosparo installation in the administration interface. You can define which IP addresses or Subnets can access the backend (login form and the management interface) and the API (Verification and Statistic). Usually, only your web server needs access to the APIs so that you can limit that to the IP address of the web server.

Define the language of the frontend

mosparo uses the browser language to define the mosparo box’s language in your form. The idea is to maximize accessibility and show everybody the correct language.

While that can work very well, it also can create other issues. To offer an alternative, we’ve added an option in the JavaScript frontend library, with which you can specify the language that mosparo should use. If you define a language for which mosparo does not have the translations (yet), mosparo falls back to the English translations.

Suggested by brendofreitas

API debug mode

Developing an API client or an integration for mosparo can be challenging since the Verification API is not very talkative and can be complicated.

For this, we’ve added a debug mode. The debug mode can be enabled for every project. If the debug mode is enabled, mosparo will return with more explainable error messages and hints as to why the request was unsuccessful.

With the debug mode, finding the problem in the communication and solving the issue should be a lot easier.

Inspired by OriCat101

Verification simulation mode

Additionally to the added API debug mode, we’ve added a verification simulation mode. It can also be enabled per project.

If enabled, mosparo displays a new button in the top right corner of the submission detail page. When clicking this button, mosparo will show you step-by-step how to verify the submission. You can also see the values the API expects in your API requests.

Inspired by OriCat101


Active project while using mosparo

Since the beginning of the development of mosparo, we have stored the active project in the user session. This made some things very easy while others got very complicated. After a user reported wrongly stored settings in the project creation wizard, we thought about this setup again. We concluded that we have to change it to eliminate possible issues in the future.

We’ve changed all project-related URLs. The active project is now represented in the URL. This fixes all issues regarding the active project. Additionally, you can now edit multiple projects simultaneously in different browser tabs without any problems. Before, you were able to edit only one project at a time.

We still store the latest active project in the session, so if you visit the account settings or the administration interface, you can quickly return to the latest active project.

With this change, it is also possible to send the URL of a submission, rule, ruleset, or anything else project-related to someone else. After logging in, this person is redirected to the correct object.

Update for the import and export functionality

Since these new features added new options to the project settings, we’ve updated the import and export functionality to represent these options.

Additionally, we added the status of a project to the import and export functionality too. We should have added that in the initial development.

Bug fixes

  • On the project dashboard, the button to the project settings was visible to all users, as well as users with lower access levels (like Reader and Editor). These users cannot access the project settings. With the fix, the button is not visible to those users.

Thank you

We thank all of our contributors and testers for their suggestions and work. We could not do such a project without your support and contributions!

As always, we’re looking forward to your feedback. You can send it to us by email (feedback@mosparo.io). You can also post a review on AlternativeTo, or WordPress.org (for our WordPress plugin).

If you have any suggestions to enhance or optimize mosparo, you can send these to us by creating a post in the Discussions on GitHub.

The post New Features & Changes in version 1.1 appeared first on mosparo.

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New Features & Changes in version 1.0 https://mosparo.io/2023/07/26/new-features-changes-in-version-1-0/ https://mosparo.io/2023/07/26/new-features-changes-in-version-1-0/#respond Wed, 26 Jul 2023 07:06:14 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=445 We’ve developed and tested the new version, v1.0, in the last weeks. Learn more about the new features and bug fixes in the new version of mosparo.

The post New Features & Changes in version 1.0 appeared first on mosparo.

In this news post, we want to give you an overview of the new features and changes in version 1.0.

New features

Invisible protection

With the new version, you can switch between the visible mosparo box and the invisible protection. The invisible protection will not show a visible mosparo box in the form. Instead, when the user submits the form, mosparo will come into play and validate the form automatically. mosparo will show a loading overlay over your website or form so the user is informed of what’s happening.

After the automatic validation is successful, mosparo will submit the form automatically.

Suggested by quadcom

Export and Import functionality

With the newly added export and import functionality, it is possible to export the settings of a mosparo project and then import them into another mosparo project (maybe even on a different mosparo installation). You can choose which parts of the settings should be exported and imported.

Suggested by Digi92

Facelift project overview

The project overview page was one of the first pages in mosparo back when the development started. Since then, this page had more or less no adjustments, so it was time for a facelift.

The page generally looks the same, but now it also has a list mode where you see your projects in a table instead of the boxes. Additionally, you can filter the table and search for projects.

We’ve also adjusted the project dropdown in the top left corner and set a max height (if you have many projects) and a search.

Rule tester

You can test how your rules will catch spam with the newly added Rule tester. This tool can help you test the different rule types and factors without waiting for the next spam submission.

Facelift ruleset details

We gave the ruleset detail page a facelift. Before, all the rules and rule items were listed on one page. But if you have a large ruleset, the page will become slow and could crash mosparo (in the worst case).

The new ruleset detail page lists the rules in a table with pagination. You can click on a button if you want to see the items in a rule. You will then see only the rule items of this rule.

Suggested by Digi92

Allow users to create projects

Everybody could create new projects, even simple users, in the old version. With the new version, you have to give users the right to create new projects if they’re not an admin user. Administrators can always create projects.

Rule list filter

If you have a lot of rules, it can be hard to keep the overview. We’ve added a filter to filter the rule list for the rule type you want to see.

Brute force protection for login

To enhance the security of mosparo, we’ve added brute force protection to the login form. That does not entirely prevent a brute force attack but makes it more difficult. If you want maximum security, you should always use two-factor authentication.

Bug fixes

We’ve added multiple bug fixes while developing and testing the new version. One of the most important ones is the one described below.

The automatic update check is not executed when the updates are disabled

Because of a logic issue, the update check was not executed if the updates were completely turned off in an installation. This fix will perform the update check, even if the update functionality is disabled. So you get informed as soon as a new version is available, and then you have to check how to execute the update (if the update system is disabled in your installation).

Thank you

We thank all of our contributors and testers for their suggestions and work. We could not do such a project without your support and contributions!

As always, we’re looking forward to your feedback. You can send it to us by email (feedback@mosparo.io). You can also post a review on Product Hunt, AlternativeTo, or WordPress.org (for our WordPress plugin).
If you have any suggestions to enhance or optimize mosparo, you can send these to us by creating a post in the Discussions on GitHub.

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Project update May 2023 https://mosparo.io/2023/06/01/project-update-may-2023/ https://mosparo.io/2023/06/01/project-update-may-2023/#respond Thu, 01 Jun 2023 08:24:15 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=424 May is already over, so it’s time for another overview of the development of the mosparo project. You can find all the information in this news post.

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It’s already June, which means another month has passed by. We used the time this month to work on different things regarding mosparo. We want to give you an overview of the developments.

mosparo v0.3

With feedback from our users, we continued to optimize and enhance mosparo. We’ve released four new versions of mosparo. We’ve fixed multiple smaller and larger bugs in these versions and optimized the security. Additionally, we received more translations, especially for the backend. 

mosparo v0.4

The planned features for v0.4 are developed. Right now, we’re working on an update for the update system, which is required since v0.4 will need PHP 8.1.10 or newer, and the update system has to check that before the upgrade is possible. We plan to have the first beta ready in the next week.

Integrations and plugins

Drupal module

In May, we released the first beta version of the Drupal module. With the Drupal module, you can integrate mosparo in the forms from the Contact and Webform module. Additionally, you can use mosparo in the module CAPTCHA.

The module is available in the Drupal module repository:

Other updates

Usage of mosparo

We were asked if we plan to extend the compatibility of mosparo, especially with other database systems. The question was unusual and unexpected. After discussing the question, we discovered a need to clarify how mosparo is integrated into a website.

mosparo is a standalone software not integrated into any other system. After you’ve installed mosparo on your web hosting, you have to connect your website with mosparo. You need the integration for your CMS/website, or you have to use the API client and develop your integration if there is no integration or you use a custom-developed website. If you use a programming language for which we do not offer an API client right now, you must develop your API client (or tell us about it here).

We’ve adjusted the about us page and will update the documentation in the future, maybe even with a drawing.

Thank you

We thank all contributors and users for their feedback, translations, pull requests, bug reports, and suggestions!

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Project update April 2023 https://mosparo.io/2023/05/02/project-update-april-2023/ https://mosparo.io/2023/05/02/project-update-april-2023/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 05:35:49 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=408 In April, we worked a lot on mosparo and added new cool stuff. We would love to give you a summary of the developments in our news post.

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We published our last news post back in March. In the meantime, we were very active working on mosparo. We want to give you an overview of what we’re working on and what other news we have.

mosparo v0.3

We added new functionality, fixed bugs, and got different pull requests to optimize the behavior and functionality of mosparo. We’ve released different versions, the latest version, v0.3.15, contains better security headers and additional bug fixes.

mosparo v0.4

The new major version, v0.4, is in development. We’re working on new features and refactoring existing ones. If everything works, we should be able to provide a first beta version at the end of May.

API clients

JavaScript API client

We’ve updated the JavaScript API client and fixed the misleading verification method name. We also released the first official release of the JavaScript API client, which was released as Beta before.

The JavaScript API client is officially released on NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mosparo/api-client

Python API client

We developed an API client for Python back in January and February. After the Beta phase in the last months, we’re finally happy to announce the first official release.

The Python API client is released as Beta on PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/mosparo-api-client/

Integrations and plugins

WordPress plugin

In April, we released three different versions of the WordPress plugin. First, we’ve fixed some issues with the Formidable and NinjaForm repeater fields. After that, we’ve added a fix for a verification bypass method, and the last version, v1.4, contains an additional module to use mosparo in Elementor Form Builder forms.

The plugin is available in the WordPress plugin repository: https://wordpress.org/plugins/mosparo-integration/

Django integration

Additionally to the Python API client, we’ve also developed a Django integration. With this integration, you can use mosparo to protect your Django form. The integration is released as a Beta version.

You can find the integration on PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/mosparo-django/

Mautic plugin

As requested by quadcom, we’ve developed a plugin to integrate mosparo with Mautic. After you’ve installed the plugin, you can protect your Mautic forms with mosparo. The Mautic plugin was released as a Beta.

You can find more information about it here: https://github.com/mosparo/mautic-plugin

Symfony Bundle (3rd party)

The GitHub user arnaud-ritti developed a bundle to integrate mosparo into a Symfony form. Thank you for your work, arnaud-ritti!

The repository is available here: https://github.com/arnaud-ritti/mosparo-bundle

Other developments

List of ideas and suggestions

Since the start of our private Beta in August 2022, we’ve received some suggestions from our users and had some future development ideas too. We’ve collected these ideas in a list but didn’t make the list publicly available.

We’ve now put all these ideas into topics in the GitHub discussion tab. You can upvote ideas, add your opinion or suggest new ideas there.

You can find the complete list of ideas and suggestions here: https://github.com/orgs/mosparo/discussions

Documentation regarding update

The user tpokorra reported an issue regarding the update process. When we investigated the issue, we found out that the update process of mosparo is described in the documentation but in the wrong place. We’ve updated the documentation and added a separate page to describe the update process. 

You can find the updated documentation here: https://documentation.mosparo.io/docs/installation/update

We want to thank you all for your feedback, work, and time!

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Install mosparo with Docker https://mosparo.io/2023/03/06/install-mosparo-with-docker/ https://mosparo.io/2023/03/06/install-mosparo-with-docker/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2023 08:54:32 +0000 https://mosparo.io/?p=380 After much testing and some minor bug fixes, we can finally announce that the official Docker image is available.

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After much testing and some minor bug fixes, we can finally announce that the official Docker image is available.

If you want to set up mosparo, some requirements must be met before installing it. Maybe you don’t have a web server with PHP available right now, so the alternative to setting everything up manually is to use the Docker image.

With the provided Docker image, you get mosparo together with PHP and nginx, so you do not have to take care of the installation and configuration of PHP. You still need a MySQL database and have to use a reverse proxy (at least for productive environments).

You do not have to take care of the MySQL database using the recommended method with docker-compose.

Please find all information about how to use the Docker image in our documentation: https://documentation.mosparo.io/docs/installation/install/docker/

You can find our Docker images on Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/mosparo/mosparo

If you have suggestions, issues, or feedback regarding the Docker image or mosparo in general, do not hesitate to send us an issue on GitHub or an email to feedback@mosparo.io.

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