We started the development of our official WordPress plugin shortly after the start of the development of mosparo more than two years ago. Over time, we added more features and modules to the plugin to make it compatible with other plugins. After feedback from our users, we decided to enhance the plugin.

The new features include compatibility with WordPress Multisite and the ability to configure the connection in the WordPress configuration file. Additionally, we’ve fixed a bug with the WooCommerce reviews.

Configure the connection in the WordPress configuration file

With the new version, it’s now possible to add the connection for mosparo in the WordPress configuration file (wp-config.php). The difference from the standard configuration is that the sensitive information of the connection (the private key) is not stored in the database. Additionally, the connection is not deletable in the administration interface. Read more about configuring the connection in the WordPress configuration file here

Compatibility with WordPress Multisites

The new version of the plugin is now fully compatible with WordPress Multisite. Adding connections and enabling modules in the network settings is possible, which will then be used on all your subsites. In a subsite, you can add additional connections and enable other modules, but the ones configured in the network settings cannot be removed or disabled.

Priority of the connection

Selecting the correct connection is one of the most complicated things with these two changes. We decided to use the following prioritization:

  1. If a connection is defined in the WordPress configuration file, this configuration is always the default general connection, and that cannot be overwritten as long as the connection is defined in the WordPress configuration file.
  2. An administrator can add connections and enable modules in the network settings. The administrator can define the connection as default for a module (or as a general connection if no connection is defined in the WordPress configuration file).
  3. In the normal WordPress settings, the administrator can add additional connections and enable modules (if the module isn’t enabled already from the network settings). The user can define additional connections and, with that, overwrite the settings from the network settings.

Compatibility with WooCommerce reviews

Additionally, we fixed an issue with the WooCommerce reviews. The WooCommerce reviews are WordPress comments but with an additional field for product rating. The mosparo Comments module did not appropriately handle this additional field.

Please let us know if you need help with the integration. If you find any issues, please create an issue in the official repository or start a new discussion in the GitHub discussions.