Today, the new version, 1.2, is officially released. We’re happy to announce that the latest minor version is officially stable and recommended for use. We’ve added some new features, upgraded all the dependencies, made some changes, and fixed some bugs. The biggest new feature is the compatibility with PostgreSQL databases.

A very important bug fix solves a problem with the project’s origin hosts. mosparo didn’t validate the hosts correctly. This changes with the new version, and the hosts are verified correctly. Please test your form after upgrading to v1.2.

You can find all the details about the new version 1.2 in this post: New Features & Changes in Version 1.2

We’ve also prepared a video introducing the new features, changes, and bug fixes. You can watch the video on YouTube or Vimeo.

Because of the accessibility adjustments, some translations have not yet been updated to this new version. Your help in updating the changed translations is always welcome. You can find the list of translations on Weblate. Learn more about translating mosparo in our documentation.

Thank you very much for your contributions. We’re thankful for all the bug reports, translations, questions, ideas, bug reports, and all the other feedback we get from our users.
We look forward to reading your issue, question, or idea on GitHub. You can also contact us by emailing or on all the possible social media platforms (see the website’s footer).