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Before you can decide to use mosparo, you have to test it – of course. We’ve set up a demo so you can test mosparo without installing it. Also, a demo is way more explaining than any screenshots. Additionally, we’ve also prepared a test form. You can also submit the test form to see how mosparo works in a contact form environment.

Technical details

Please be aware of the following technical details:

  • The demo is based on a very early version of mosparo 1.3, which is still in development. It can contain bugs and will be replaced with a stable version once mosparo v1.3 is released.
  • You will receive your demo automatically. What you do in your demo is up to you, and nobody else can see what data you enter there. However, you should not enter any personal or critical information.
  • The demo will create a cookie to store your demo key. As soon as you log in, mosparo will generate a session cookie. Both cookies are session cookies and are gone as soon as you close your browser.
  • If you break something in the demo, you can clear the cookies or close your browser entirely, and you will get a fresh demo.
  • The demo is hosted on a cheap European server and can have long response times, depending on your location. Your server or hosting is usually near your location, so mosparo probably has a better speed on your server.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us at