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Translate mosparo

Making mosparo accessible for as many people as possible is one of the most important features. This includes adding more languages, especially the frontend, which everybody will see. Read how we increased the number of available translations and how you can help.

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When to use mosparo

Some people asked us when they could use mosparo. And how should mosparo be able to protect anything? We already asked ourselves that many times – especially when we started the project. Read more about use cases for mosparo.

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mosparo – the modern spam protection – starts as Open Beta

We are proud and happy to announce that as of today, 10th January, 2023, our open-source project “mosparo” has been released and is available to all.

In search of alternatives to protect a form from spam, we implemented our solution. Intending to build a tool that is usable for everyone (accessibility) and collects as little data as possible, we started the mosparo project in May 2021.

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